Embrace the Digital Revolution: Efficiently Manage Your Documents with Odoo
Skaitmeninis dokumentų valdymas ne tik padeda atsisakyti popierinių dokumentų, bet ir padidina produktyvumą, užtikrina saugumą ir palengvina darbo eigą jūsų versle. Su Odoo, Dokumentų ir Pasirašymo modulis siūlo visapusišką sprendimą tvarkant jūsų dokumentus skaitmeniniu būdu, taip padarant jūsų operacijas sklandesnes ir efektyvesnes.
Scan & Store: Instant Digital Archives
Quickly scan and store documents directly into Odoo. This feature is essential for businesses that need to keep physical paperwork to a minimum. No more lost invoices or misplaced contracts. Everything is digitally archived and easy to find. This is particularly handy when working with the Sales or Rent modules, where keeping track of contracts and agreements is crucial.

Smart Tags: Organize Like a Pro
Use smart tags to categorize and organize your documents. This allows you to quickly retrieve any file you need without wasting time sifting through folders. Integrate this with the Manufacturing module to keep all your production documents, like quality reports and machinery manuals, neatly sorted and accessible.
Automated Workflows: Let Odoo Do the Heavy Lifting
Set up automated workflows to route documents to the right people at the right time. This feature ensures that documents like purchase orders or expense reports are automatically sent to the relevant departments for approval, streamlining your internal processes. It’s a game-changer for the Sales and Accounting modules, where approvals are a regular part of the workflow.

Smart Contracts: Automate Your Agreements
Smart contracts in Odoo 17 bring automation to your agreements, reducing the need for manual intervention and ensuring compliance. These digital contracts execute and enforce terms automatically when predefined conditions are met. Imagine integrating smart contracts with the Sales module to automatically trigger payments once a product is delivered or using them in the Rent module to automate monthly lease payments. This not only saves time but also minimizes errors and ensures all parties stick to the agreed terms.
E-Signatures: Sign Anywhere, Anytime
Forget the hassle of printing, signing, and scanning documents. With Odoo’s integrated e-signatures, you can sign documents digitally, making it perfect for remote work environments. This is invaluable for rental agreements in the Rent module or signing sales contracts on the go in the Sales module.

Access Control: Who Sees What
Set permissions to control who can view, edit, or share documents. This ensures sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel. For instance, HR documents can be restricted to the HR department, while sales documents are accessible to the sales team. This feature integrates well with any module that handles sensitive data, like HR or Accounting.
Version Control: Never Lose Track
Keep track of document versions to ensure you're always working with the latest information. This is particularly useful in the Manufacturing module, where specifications and production plans may frequently change. Version control helps maintain consistency and accuracy across your operations.

OCR Technology: Turn Scans into Searchable Text
Utilize Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert scanned documents into searchable text. This makes it easy to search for specific terms within a document, saving time and improving efficiency. Whether you're dealing with rental contracts, sales orders, or manufacturing blueprints, OCR makes information retrieval a breeze.