
We can provide a simple yet effective solution for your requirements and assist Odoo implementation with best possible decisions.

Analysis of business process

We identify processes in your organization and provide the process improvement opportunities.

Custom works and programming

Our developers have been working with Python and PostgreSQL for over 10 years. All our employees understand the business flow and develops accordingly.

Data analytics

We thoroughly analyze your data and can suggest the best reports to meet your KPI’s.

Migration service

Migration to new Odoo versions, from other operators or other ERP systems


We support you 24/7 on any questions. Don’t believe us? Try us and you will find the service you have never experienced before.

Custom implementation

If you have specific needs or processes to be integrated into Odoo's standard software Our professional team members can customize and fit it to your needs.

Mapping and sketching of business process workflows

We sketch process diagrams and then map them to your process. If you are looking for a professional with experience, contact us!

Integration with other systems

We can link You with Amazon, Allegro, Paypal, Paysera, Montonio, UPS, DPD, VMI, Shopify, Woocommerce and anything else that you might need

Big Data

Ability to manage big data flows with Odoo ERP and proper server setup.


We do in-location, online trainings for your company. In addtion - we can prepare instruction sheets and video tutorials for your process

Server rent

We have a dedicated server team who can help in any bad server experience.

Business management system

Solution for the modern business to grow 

Devtouch! works wiht the Agile principles, making all project streamlined and clear. We analyze your processes, show you how they could look in Odoo and find the solution, that would work for your company

Start Now

1. Start, innitial meeting

Let's first discuss your business, your desires, and the challenges you're facing. We will introduce the Odoo system and its basic features (included in the initial package). We will familiarize you with the initial conditions and our operational logic.

Once you've decided to digitize your business management, we will sign a contract outlining responsibilities, accountability, and timelines.

Then, from your side, you will assign responsible persons with whom we will coordinate the business process optimization and system implementation.

2. In-depth Process Analysis

Our goal is for your business to run as smoothly as a clock's second hand. To achieve this, we must understand your entire current process, identify critical points, and areas you wish to improve. We will conduct an audit of your business processes (which you can use for obtaining ISO certification).

During this step, we will clarify what your process is now and what it should be in the near future after the system is implemented. We will identify what you are missing and provide recommendations and best practices from other businesses.

3. Implementation 

After the process analysis, we will start configuring the prototype. Typically, 80% of a company's needs are met by standard Odoo modules (which come at no additional cost). Therefore, we can perform the initial process without additional investments in modifications.

Some business processes during this step will be carried out manually. However, this will allow us to understand which operations take the most time, which ones might need to be eliminated, or where automation could be introduced.

The system is now ready for testing, and you can register desired changes in the process or system.  

4. Custom Requirements + Data Import

In this step, process automation and data import are combined (customers, suppliers, inventory balances, invoices, payments, and more).

Your employees are actively involved in this step. They are being trained to manage processes and data independently. New modules are also being implemented, and custom programming is performed if necessary.

5. Full Testing and Launch

We will go through the entire process, ensuring no gaps are left. We will do this together.

Once you confirm that everything is as you wanted, we will transfer business management to the Odoo system, and you will begin managing your digitized business.

6. Launch

All company employees transition to the Odoo system. If necessary, training is provided (live, remotely, or in video format).

Our goal during the launch is to ensure that company employees can maximally utilize Odoo's functionality and are capable of performing information input, editing, and other functions.